Gorn Baby Gorn: The Gorn in Star Trek – From Laughable to Chilling
Let’s talk about the Gorn. First introduced in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode “Arena,” the Gorn morphed from a guy in an off-the-rack monster suit to a Xenomorph/Predator-esque threat with their own spin. Now, 56 years later, they’re a chilling threat to...

Doc Ock v Spider-Man: What’s an Apex Predator?
In Amazing Spider-Man #30, Doctor Octopus makes a claim to Spider-Man that needs some clarification. While wrapped up in a battle with Spidey, Ock says, “Don’t be ashamed of your fate Spider-Man. You’ve been harvested by an apex predator.” Okay - just so we’re clear...

Single Panel Science Lesson: Luthor’s Not Lying, But…
Sure, Daredevil can tell when people are lying by listening to their heartbeats speed up. But that’s Daredevil. But Superman can do this too. As shown in stories by Joshua Williamson, Tom Taylor, and many others, Superman always listens to Lois and Jon’s voices and...

Kraven, a Crossbow, and the Conservation of Momentum
Maybe you’ve seen the trailer for the upcoming Kraven the Hunter movie. Maybe you have thoughts. While comic fans are dissecting costumes, accents, origin, and more, one thing stuck out to me: the crossbow scene right around the 2:30 mark. The character comes in...

Cosmology with Galactus: The Big Bang
Galactus. The fact that you read that name and don’t get a knot in your stomach is one reason you know you’re living in “our” universe rather than the Marvel Universe. The other way you know that you’re not living in the Marvel Universe? Our universe. Literally. It...