Dropping Diamonds From the Sky: The Wild Storm’s Kinetic Bombardment
For being telling such a technologically advanced story, in DC’s The Wild Storm, the characters occasionally like to go very old school. In this case, it was an example of “when someone bothers you, drop something on them.” Something that won’t break. From very high...

How Dirty is the Batcave?
Think about kids in a dangerous cave - the Thai soccer team, right? What about Batman? He has kids in his cave all the time. No one is going to argue that Batman’s Batcave has bats in it, either. How many is the question, as we’ve seen numbers ranging from a few here...

Black Bolt: The Inhumans’ King and Propulsion System
Marvel’s Death of the Inhumans #1 is significant for many things, most of which we’re not going to spoil here. But perhaps the most science-y thing that we can discuss is something right near the end, which isn’t one of the major, major revelations. Oh, and by the...

Elastigirl Doesn’t Have a Skeleton and Other Considerations
It’s a good time to be a stretchy hero. The Flash has seen the Elongated Man make a live action debut, Plastic Man played a key role in Dark Knights: Metal at DC Comics and is now a team member of The Terrifics, Elastigirl is headlining in The Incredibles 2, and in...

Flash and Null: What Happens When Gravity is Shut Off?
Falling down is tough, but what about falling up? Or just having gravity disappear in a flash? In the hunt for the 12 “bus-metas” on the most recent season of The Flash, the series got a chance to introduce metahumans with new and different powers - all of whom bit it...