Jay Hosler: Saving the World with Science Comics
Getting a chance to hear Professor Jay Hosler talk about using comics in education is an amazing experience. Now - everyone has that shot thanks to his talk at TEDx Juniata College being posted online. Hosler starts with the secret origin of his idea that science...

You Too Can Physics! A 65 Foot Ant-Man Should Weigh How Much?
So - that new Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer, huh? Particularly, that part where Scott (Ant-Man) Lang brags to Bill Foster (the former Goliath) that the largest he’d ever grown was 65 feet to Foster’s 21. Hope (Evangeline Lilly) van Dyne shuts the men down in an...

Hardman and Bechko on Green Lantern Earth One – One Part GL, One Part Science Fiction
DC Comics line of “Earth One” graphic novels have finally gotten their hard science fiction entry. Green Lantern: Earth One Volume One by the husband and wife team of Gabriel Hardman and Corina Sara Bechko brings Hal Jordan to the reimagining concept, and the 128-page...

Groot the Father, Groot the Son, Groot the Holy…Crap, Who is Groot?
Groot. Heart of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Wise. Cute. Annoying teen. Same plant? Son of original? Clone? How? Okay - time to put the original Groot vs. Groot clone vs. son of Groot argument to bed here. Maybe. This week sees a teen-aged Groot appear in Marvel’s...
Black Lightning, Electricity, Energy and Teachable Moments
A billion joules is a lot of energy. A lot. Let’s not forget that. And if nothing else, the CW’s Black Lightning is about energy. Lot’s of it. Electrical energy, sure. Kinetic energy, Yep. And a whole lot of stored up potential energy in its cast and the people of...