It Has Science!: Marvel 2-in-One and the Conservation of Energy
Energy-wise, Marvel 2-in-One is a very bold book. Well, that's speaking scientifically. Let me explain. The thing about science and superhero comics and science...okay, there are many things...but the big thing that can just cause about anyone looking to explain the...

A Little Physics with your Star Wars? Talking with Dr. Patrick Johnson
Dr. Patrick Johnson can out-nerd any one of you when it comes to Star Wars. Not only is he a serious Star Wars fan, he’s also an assistant teaching professor at Georgetown University in the Department of Physics. Basically, he’s the guy you hope you get for your...

Suddenly, Physics! Mark Waid Brings the Science to Avengers
It’s not every day an issue of Avengers has a full-blown dissertation on comic book science in it. Today must have been a special day. This week’s Avengers #679 from Marvel, part 5 of the 12-part “No Surrender” weekly storyline includes one of the team of writers,...

Skyscraper’s Leap of Physics: Is Dwayne Johnson Superhuman?
There’s something about the just-released poster for Skyscraper. Okay, full-on admission: I love Dwayne Johnson, and I have an unholy, good taste-defying love for all of his projects, from his wrestling days as The Rock through G.I. Joe to Moana and Jumanji to this...

Gummy Bears Go Boom? Did Logan Lucky Teach Us How to Make a Bomb?
Watch enough science-based science fiction or “real world” movies/TV with science in them, and you’ll come to a simple conclusion: they’re leaving bits out. No matter how many episodes of Breaking Bad you watch, you’re never going to be able to make meth by imitating...