Black Lighting: Hero with a Deadly Power?
Memo to Black Lightning - lightning as your superpower is troublesome - but only if you’re in our world. Black Lightning debuted on The CW recently to solid reviews from critics and fans, which is awesome. If you missed it, the first episode is available to purchase...

Essay: Why I’m Taking My Physics Class to See Black Panther
Sometime in the third week of February, I’ll load my physics students up on a bus first thing in the morning and we’ll go off to a local movie theater to watch Black Panther together. No, it’s not a “science” movie. It’s not historical. It’s not a documentary. It is...

You Lift Me Up – The Science of the One-Arm Lift
You’ve seen it before, in many different forms. The hero, the villain…someone…lifts their opponent up by the collar, by the neck, by one body part, or in this case, by the sword. Like all iconic and cool shots, it’s a power pose – all about expressing something about...

The Science of Cooking Wolverine: Energy, Power, Fuel and Twinkies!
How much power would it take to cook Wolverine to his skeleton? With Wolverine back among the living in the Marvel Universe (as of Marvel Legacy), we thought it would be a good time to look at one of Wolverine’s more notable “deaths.” Yeah…Wolverine has a thing...

Rick and Morty’s Tiny Earth: The Gravity of the Situation
In just two and a half seasons, Rick and Morty has shown us a huge variety of planets – weird, obscene, funny, normal, big and…small. Looking back on the Season 2 season finale, “Wedding Squanchers,” Rick, Morty and the family find themselves on the run after a...