Science Class: The Flash’s Hypothermia
DC Comics’ latest event storyline has been Endless Winter, a fun story tying Viking-era history (and heroes) into the present day with the threat of the Frost King. The event is co-written by Andy Lanning and Ron Marz, and drawn by a host of artists across its...
Science Class: Patsy Walker & Lichtenberg Figures
Real quick - new Iron Man series by Christopher Cantwell and Cafu. Issue #3: Korvac is back. As part of that reveal, both Iron Man and Patsy Walker (aka Hellcat) got hit by a massive bolt of lightning, directed at them by the aforementioned Korvac. How bad was it? ...
Can Comics Improve Pre-College Science Education?
As more learning occurs online and at home with the global pandemic, keeping students engaged in learning about science is a challenge. In this post, undergraduate student Simon Rodriguez explores recent research on how comics might be helpful in increasing student...
The Old Guard: The Teacher Movie for the 2020-2021 School Year
This one is for the teachers. We’re a STEM-based outfit, so yeah, mostly the STEM teachers, but for all teachers. If you’ve been in this job for more than, say, five years, you’ve seen, or been shown, or been gifted virtually all the teacher movies there are. You’ve...
Scienceish Lesson: Hawks in Spaaace!
If you’ve been around here for a while, or even if this is your first stop, it’s pretty obvious - we’re all about blending pop culture and science. Hawkman and Hawkwoman (the Katar and Shayera Hol versions from Thanagar) have always had science fiction in their DNA....