A Little Virus 101…
Despite all of the world’s focus being on one (or two) viruses at the present moment, it may be easy to think there are only a handful of different types around. Yeah - that’s really not true. Volume-wise - there are an estimated 1031 viruses on earth. That’s a...

Scienceish Lesson: Captain Marvel and the EM Spectrum
A Science-ish Lesson for today: The Electromagnetic Spectrum (and a little more) with Captain Marvel. This comes from Avengers #233 (1983) by Roger Stern and John Byrne, back in the day when you could spend a whole issue trying to figure out a way to get through a...

Into the Brain with the Atom!
The Atom can shrink. It...goes with the name, I guess. Over the decades, there have been several “Atoms” in DC Comics’ stories. A quick rundown starts with Al Pratt in the Golden Age (who couldn’t shrink, but was short and packed an “atomic” punch), to Ray Palmer...

Using Comics and Superheroes to Teach Math
Teaching math is an art. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I did it for 32 years (I recently retired) and I’m here to tell you that if you’re in front of a classroom in the old-fashioned way, the “sage on the stage” as it were, you’d better have a rhythm like a...

EVENT: Picture a Scientist Discussion with TSO & a/perture Cinema
We here at The Science Of are thrilled to announce we’ve teamed with our local independent theater, a/perture cinema for a live discussion about Picture a Scientist with three local scientists. An Official Selection of the 2020 Tribeca Film Festival, the synopsis of...