Of X-O Manowar, Mork and Time Dilation
Consider X-O Manowar's Aric the Visigoth and Mork from Ork as brothers. Okay – that’s stretching it. They’ve got one thing in common though. Both have experienced time travel in the manner that Albert Einstein allows – which means that it’s straight-up, legit time...

Using Jupiter as a Weapon: Thor & The Great Red Spot
If you’ve been keeping up with Marvel’s The Mighty Thor, you know that things between the new(ish), female Thor and Odin aren’t going well. In issue #5 of the series (still available at your local comic shop or online via Comixology) things broke out into a total...

Venus is Hell: Rick Loverd on the Science of “Venus”
This week sees the final (for now…) issue of Venus hit comic shops and Comixology. Written by Rick Loverd, with art by Huang Danlan, Venus tells the story of the first human colonists on the second planet from the sun. The problem is…well, it’s Venus. The series from...

Shooting Jupiter in Superman – Can You Make a Star?
Recently, in DC’s Superman titles (Action Comics, Superman, and Superman/Wonder Woman), Superman and Vandal Savage have been squaring off against each other. Savage, the 50,000 year old immortal (who we talked about as being related to everyone in the DC Universe over...

Getting Thor Back from the Moon – Mjolnir Power!
by Matt Brady and Michael Surratt Well, when you suddenly find that you’re Thor and you're on the moon, what would you do? You'd want to go back home too. There’s been a new Thor in the Marvel (comics) Universe for a little while now. Dr. Jane Foster is the new,...