Can Comics Improve Pre-College Science Education?
As more learning occurs online and at home with the global pandemic, keeping students engaged in learning about science is a challenge. In this post, undergraduate student Simon Rodriguez explores recent research on how comics might be helpful in increasing student...

The Old Guard: The Teacher Movie for the 2020-2021 School Year
This one is for the teachers. We’re a STEM-based outfit, so yeah, mostly the STEM teachers, but for all teachers. If you’ve been in this job for more than, say, five years, you’ve seen, or been shown, or been gifted virtually all the teacher movies there are. You’ve...

You Should be Watching: Cells at Work
Okay - we're totally behind the curve here, but we should talk about Cells at Work. It showed up on Netflix last September and probably flew under the radar of a lot of the adult Netflix audience, but probably not its otaku fanbase. Apologies to said fanbase who are...

COVID Curriculum: Resources and Ideas for Teaching STEM in Pandemic World
One way or another, school will start again this fall. But I’m not here to talk about that this time. As a public school STEM teacher (chemistry and physics), I’ve seen the plans for schools to re-start in fall, from the most magical and optimistic to the more...

Using Comics and Superheroes to Teach Math
Teaching math is an art. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I did it for 32 years (I recently retired) and I’m here to tell you that if you’re in front of a classroom in the old-fashioned way, the “sage on the stage” as it were, you’d better have a rhythm like a...