STEM Camp: Thanos and the Robot Hand
Summer STEM camps can be the best of times and the worst of times. Trying to keep students engaged when out of the routine and mindset of school is not for the faint of heart but it can be done. The Science Of recently took part in a camp activity at the Sci-Tech...

Lil Dicky and the Challenge of Pop Culture & STEM Ed
https://youtu.be/pvuN_WvF1to This week, Lil Dicky released, “Earth,” which is possibly the best song about saving the earth, ever. No seriously - this is better than...whatever song you’re thinking of now. So, so much better. As NPR describes it, “Watching it feels...

Jay Hosler: Saving the World with Science Comics
Getting a chance to hear Professor Jay Hosler talk about using comics in education is an amazing experience. Now - everyone has that shot thanks to his talk at TEDx Juniata College being posted online. Hosler starts with the secret origin of his idea that science...

On the Care and Feeding of a Young Shuri: Raise Your Own at Home!
Let’s say you went to see Black Panther, or people that you know did. Among the people you took, or those that you know who saw it were young girls, say, of the 8 to 16 crowd (or younger or older, we’re not choosy). Let’s say that when Shuri came on the screen their...

Essay: Why I’m Taking My Physics Class to See Black Panther
Sometime in the third week of February, I’ll load my physics students up on a bus first thing in the morning and we’ll go off to a local movie theater to watch Black Panther together. No, it’s not a “science” movie. It’s not historical. It’s not a documentary. It is...