Black Representation in Pop Culture STEM: Why Does It Matter?
If I were to ask you to name five scientists, engineers or doctors in pop culture, who would they be? Okay - ten. Or, similarly, the comic fan version - name the top five smartest characters (usually that’s an analogy for “scientist”) in either the Marvel or the DC...

Marvel Cosmology: A Skrull Census
The Skrull are one of the oldest threats to the earth in the Marvel Universe. The green, wrinkly-chinned, pointy-eared, shapeshifting aliens have had a heck of a run. While Marvel movie fans first spotted them in Captain Marvel and Spider-Man: Far From Home, they’ve...

The (Useful) Things We Left Behind – Retroreflectors
The moon shines at night, but some parts of it shine better than others - the retroreflectors we left behind. Okay - quick physics refresher. When visible light hits things it will do, general one (or combos) from the following list: Light can be absorbed: The...

COVID-19 – Herd Immunity vs. Natural Selection?
Herd immunity is still in the news, and occasionally, it’s being conflated with something else seen in large groups: natural selection. They’re not the same thing. One’s for now, one’s for later. Herd Immunity: Something for Now As I explained a little while back,...

Brave New COVID World: How Does School Work?
We make no secret about it here at thesciecenof.org, we’re both (me, Matt and wife Shari) in STEM Education - high school science teachers. Currently, we’re both teaching our classes online with varying degrees of success, but nothing nearing the levels of engagement...